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All Odin Raven locations in Alfheim in God of War Ragnarok

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Odin’s Ravens are everywhere in God of War Ragnarok, observing Kratos and Atreus as they continue their journey through the nine realms. These Ravens are sending reports to Odin about what those two are doing, along with anything else helps that he wants to learn about. Taking out these Ravens will prevent the All-Father from knowing everything, and they’re a collectible. This guide covers all Odin Raven locations in Alfheim in God of War Ragnarok.

Where to find all of Odin’s Ravens in Alfheim in God of War Ragnarok

There are several Ravens you can find when you initially arrive in this area, but some of them will be blocked off for you to investigate until you progress through the main story. You will need to visit Alfheim later to collect them all. You can find 10 of Odin’s Ravens in Alfheim.

Related: All Idunn Apple locations in Alfheim in God of War Ragnarok

Odin’s Raven in The Strond

When you arrive in Alfheim, you’ll wind up in The Strond. This is the first location you can visit in this region, and one of Odin’s Ravens will be on the way in the main story, on the left side, sitting on a tree.

Odin’s Ravens in the Temple of Light

You can find two of Odin’s Ravens while exploring the Temple of Light. The first one is on an alternative path, close to the entrance, while on the stairs. There will be a small gap for you to jump down. Instead, proceed down the hallway and then take a right.

On the right side, you’re going to find some Twilight Stone. Aim your Leviathan Axe on the one to your left, and you can throw it at the one behind the wall, hitting the raven.

The second one will appear shortly after encountering a Nornir Chest halfway through exploring the temple. You can find it perched outside the area, and you’ll need to use your Leviathan Axe to hit it.

Odin’s Raven in The Canyons

Before you adventure into the Barrens, you’ll find yourself in The Canyons. A small area connects The Barrens to The Strond. You will find one of Odin’s Ravens flying around this location. It is likely easier to see after the storm is over and you have completed the Secret of the Sands side quest.

Odin’s Ravens in The Barrens

When you unlock The Barrens after exploring the Tower of Light, head to the northwest portion of the map. You will find a small building full of Dark Elves, several collectibles, and a Legendary Chest. One of Odin’s Ravens sits on a tree to the right of the Legendary Chest.

The second one is on the northwest of the map. You can find it sitting on the eye socket of the dead animal, at the base of the skeleton.

Odin’s Ravens in The Forbidden Sands

There are four Odin’s Ravens in the Forbidden Sands; these will be the last ones you need to find to complete this location. We recommend completing the Song of the Sands and releasing the second Hafgufa before looking for them. The first you can find will be on the northwest part of the map, flying above the light bridge next to the statue.

The second of Odin’s Ravens is not too far from the first one. You can find it further west, behind a smaller statue.

The third one will be closer to the center of the map, next to the Light Elf temple. You will need to get some distance on the rock formation to see the raven on the top part of the rocks.

The final raven is on the northeast side of the map, underneath the Elven Library. You can reach this entrance by breaking the hole at the base of this location and crouching down.

The raven will be flying around on the left side of the area, and you should be able to hit it with a well-timed ranged attack.

About the author

Zack Palm

Zack Palm is the Senior Writer of Gamepur and has spent over five years covering video games, and earned a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Oregon State University. He spends his free time biking, running tabletop campaigns, and listening to heavy metal. His primary game beats are Pokémon Go, Destiny 2, Final Fantasy XIV, and any newly released title, and he finds it difficult to pull away from any Star Wars game.

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